Tantric massage seems to be surrounded in an air of mystery. Unfortunately, there are many misleading myths about this type of massage and often, they can turn people off from the idea altogether. Whereas a “regular” massage helps work the tension out of your muscles, Tantric massage removes blockages from your life, whether they are mental, emotional, physical, psychosomatic, or sexual.

Many people believe that Tantric massage involves some sort of sexual contact, however, this is not necessarily the case. The ultimate goal of a Tantric massage is to put a person completely at ease with themselves and their lives.
A reputable masseuse who specializes in Tantra will always consult with you at the beginning of the appointment, to assess your goals for the session and ensure you are completely comfortable throughout.
However, if you are hoping to experience the portion of the Tantric massage which involves your “yoni” (your genitals), that is something you can explicitly opt for before the session begins, and the masseur will only proceed when you verbally confirm you are ready.
Many women love this portion of Tantric massages because it gives them the opportunity to experience a respectful, sensual touch without feeling the need to react in a certain manner or do anything in return.
You will need to be completely undressed for a proper Tantric massage whether you opt for the yoni portion of the treatment or not. While some women can initially feel a bit intimidated by the idea of this, one of the prime benefits of receiving a Tantric massage is becoming more comfortable in your own skin, both literally and figuratively.

Tantric masseurs are skilled professionals who will never do anything to make you feel insecure.
While this form of massage can help to improve your sex life, general libido, and intensity of orgasms, that is not the primary function of Tantra;
There are also countless benefits which will greatly improve your life outside of the bedroom.
It alleviates stress, promotes relaxation, and has even been known to ignite life-changing epiphanies and spiritual awakenings in recipients. Many women have even had success in using Tantric massage to overcome trauma. It enables victims to heal in a safe, respectful, professional environment where the client is entirely in control.
Whether you are hoping to increase your sexual pleasure, improve your performance at work, or expand your horizons and experience a new level of relaxation, you’ll be astounded by what a Tantric massage can do for you (and by how comfortable you’ll feel during it).
Remember, in Tantra, the main goal is exclusively your level of comfort, and an experienced masseur will do everything to ensure a relaxing experience. Tantric massages might just end up being your new favorite thing!
Worst case scenario, you “nope out” and have one less item on your bucket list, and an entertaining story to tell your friends later.
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