Burnout: recognize subtle signs in order to treat them
Women are characterized by doing several tasks at the same time, which also belong to different areas of life. For example, we work hard in our job, then we get home and we take care of cooking something rich, then we train to be in shape. Being so active is great, but in the long run that creates a physical, mental and emotional exhaustion.
Some signs of BURNOUT are so subtle that we don’t realize we’re suffering from them. Next we will analyze some features of this phenomenon so that we can be prepared to face it.
A problem that can affect anyone
The phenomenon of BURNOUT is related to the stress generated by a job. The reality is that it can affect anyone: housewife, entrepreneur, sportsman, engineer, etc. Everyone is overwhelmed to meet their own expectations and those of others. At the beginning of the day they already feel tired, empty incapable of tying up their routine.
There are also some subtle signs, that we should be paying attention:
They feel the obligation to do everything right, they feel terror to be wrong.
They are not encouraged to face new challenges for fear of failure
Fatigue, insomnia, tachycardia, headache,lack of appetite, poor digestion of food
Anxiety, nervousness, aggressiveness, low self-esteem, depression.
Lack of concentration, memory lapses.
How to deal with burnout
If you are suffering from BURNOUT you should take care of this issue right now. This problem tends to get worse over time, seriously affecting quality of life.
MEDITATE ON THIS SITUATION: ask yourself why you seek perfectionism. Keep in mind that this attitude is damaging your mental, physical and emotional health. At your job, talk to your boss about the possibilities of doing your job differently. Find a way for everyone to feel comfortable and at peace.
SEEK SUPPORT: take refuge in your friends and family. They know you and how you feel. Seek professional assistance in your workplace. Take advantage of this service to communicate what is happening to you.
RELAXATION: perform activities that are specifically anti-stress such as yoga, meditation, writing workshops.
MINDFULNESS: this mental exercise can be done at home or at work. It consists of paying full attention to what you are doing. Breathe slowly and consciously. Do not judge the present moment. This technique is very effective in combating BURNOUT, since it promotes mental harmony by temporarily ignoring the outside world.