Why Boxers Turn Me On…
Lying next to my man, both of us wrapped in nothing but our underwear, there is a sense of exhilaration that builds up inside me. It is not simply the fact that our bodies are close enough to touch our bare skin, but, I find it even more erotic and intense – to think about the small piece of clothing acting as the only barrier that separates us from getting intimate.

In my reflections, I found it interesting how my mind fleeted into that longstanding debate about which would be better for guys to wear, briefs or boxers?
Some have simply resigned to choose which one is better and decided to make one that incorporates the best qualities of both. This is in the form of the boxer brief but even then, I find that boxers scintillate my imagination more than the others do. I’m sure that I am not alone on this thought.
You might think it a bit crazy that I spend my nights thinking about my emotional attachment to boxers but I tried to understand why I felt this way.
I was more turned on when my boyfriend wore boxers so I went into a little search (well just a bit more than a little) to investigate the psychology behind what I was experiencing. Guess what? I came up with a few theories myself to justify this pseudo fetish of mine.
One of the factors that I considered was the impressions I had about boxers, briefs, and boxer briefs.
How did it affect the image of my boyfriend?
I think it was pretty simple. We have been influenced by various media to think in a certain way about the body image, masculinity, and sex appeal. I may have just been conditioned to think that briefs make men look somewhat childish while boxers exuded an aura of manliness. Maybe this is how our cultural norms coached us when we were little as well.
Even the design of boxers compared to briefs was pretty simple, straightforward, and functional.
Boxers also effectively conceal the parts of a man in a way that would ignite your curiosity whereas looking at a man wearing briefs might just make you feel disappointed due to the expectations not matching reality. Whatever the case, I still think that clothes do not make a person but the individual is the one who carries the clothes and makes them their own.
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