The moment after you have given birth to a baby can be characterized with endless emotions. Sometimes you may have a feeling of happiness, anxiety, and even fear to some extent. If your feelings of sadness escalate to the extent of disrupting your daily life, you may be suffering postpartum depression (PPD).
PPD symptoms become rife within a few weeks after giving birth, though they may last for up to 6 months. Some of the symptoms include sudden changes in mood, difficulty relating with your baby, trouble making decisions, etc. Those of us who have gone through it knows how troubling and uneasy many times that this phase can be.
If you happen to endure PPD, you don’t have to panic as the research shows that two out ten women in the United States develop PPD a few weeks after delivery.
The most appropriate way to confirm whether you are suffering from PPD is to visit the nearest physician and get diagnosed. The doctor will examine your symptoms and come up with the ideal treatment plan for you. Perhaps the physician may recommend antidepressants or psychotherapy or both.
Listed below are things you can do at home to overcome postpartum depression.
Exercise Regularly

According to Australian Researches, exercising can have an antidepressant effect, especially for women suffering from PPD. For instance, walking with a baby in a stroller is a simple way to exercise and have a breath of fresh air. Researchers further revealed that walking could significantly ease depression.
As a new mom, try to work out for approximately 10-15 minutes a day, and in no time, you will notice a significant decline in PPD.
Take a Healthy Diet
Curing PPD requires more than just eating a healthy diet. However, training yourself to eat nutritious foods can make you feel better and provide your body the essential nutrients it requires. Consider devising the week’s meals on the weekend and probably preparing healthy meals in advance. Add whole foods to your dietary list since they are pretty easy to grab while on the go.
Set Aside Time for Yourself
Sometimes, many new moms get stuck on the couch breastfeeding. Probably you might be feeling overpowered by work, household chores, or your older kids. Rather than dealing with these troubles alone, seek help. You can think of hiring a babysitter or ask your mum to offer free babysitting.
Focus on fish oils
Now is the ideal time to increase consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, such as DHA. According to the studies, women with low levels of DHA have increased risks of postpartum depression.
Consider adding seafood to your dietary list, as it’s an excellent source of DHA. For vegetarians, flaxseed oil is an excellent source of DHA. You can also opt for supplements as they are a good source of fish oils.
Sleep Enough
Medics advise new moms to sleep when the baby sleeps. Some may not agree with the findings, but it is science-backed. A 2009 study revealed that women who don’t get recommended sleep are more prone to postpartum depression. So, if you are suffering from postpartum depression, consider sleeping for at least 7 hours daily.
If your baby is sleeping in the night, consider going to bed early or take naps during the day.