The Effects of Frequently Arguing with Your Partner

Arguing with a partner is a common thing in relationships due to various issues such as disagreements, failed promises, and anger.

Arguments will be a natural part of your relationship, however, it is worth noting that arguing frequently can result in negative consequences to the relationship, your health and well-being. Now, let’s explore the impact of arguing a lot with your partner to determine the physical effects and evaluate whether it is worth it at the end of the day. 

Physical Effects of Arguing

Increased Blood Pressure

Arguing a lot with your partner is one of the triggers of stress that can cause your blood pressure to increase.

Engaging in intense arguments increases your heartbeat to enable it to supply blood and oxygen, making blood vessels contract to divert more blood to vital organs. This temporary constriction of blood vessels can increase blood pressure to dangerous levels that can increase the risk of stroke, cardiovascular problems, heart attack, and rupture of arteries. 

Increased Heart Rate 

Intense arguments increase adrenaline levels and other hormones that increase your heart rate. The heart beats faster during arguments to pump more blood to the muscles in readiness for a confrontation with your partner. Frequent arguments in your relationship can result in elevated heart rate for a long period, negatively affecting your cardiovascular health. 

Increased Stress Hormones

Heated arguments with your partner result in the release of cortisol, a major stress hormone in your body. The hormone is responsible for assisting your body to respond to stressful conditions. However, high levels of cortisol hormones in your body is detrimental to your physical health.

Extended cortisol exposure can result in negative effects such as weight gain, weak immunity, digestive issues and mental issues. 

High Body Temperature 

Intense arguments with your partner raises your body temperature due to increased muscle activity resulting in increased heat in your body. Our bodies are designed to produce inflammatory responses when we are exposed to anger and stress, leading to feelings of irritability and discomfort. Intense arguments can result in sweating, hot flashes, chills, and skin perspiration in response to increased stress during confrontations with your partner.

Slowed Healing 

Arguing with your partner a lot can result in chronic stress that can affect behavioral and physiological changes such as smoking, alcohol abuse, poor diet and little exercise. These changes can result in increased inflammatory markers and slow down your healing process. 

Sleep Disturbances 

Intense arguments with your partner can result in disrupted sleep patterns where you may find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Arguing causes the body to release stress hormones, such as cortisol that make it very hard to fall asleep, which can increase stress and negatively impact your health. 

Digestive Issues 

Arguing a lot with your partner can slow down digestion meaning food will stay longer in your stomach than normal, which can lead to heart burns. High levels of stress hormones such as cortisol result in increased acid in the stomach, affecting the digestive process.

During arguments, blood is diverted away from the digestive system to other vital organs leading to slowed digestion. 

Conflict Resolution Fine – Persistent Arguments Hmmm…

Although arguments are necessary to resolve conflicts and maintain a healthy relationship, frequent arguments are detrimental to your physical and mental health.

Persistent arguments with resolution of the underlying issues is harmful to you and you should find ways to reduce arguing with your partner. Frequent arguments can lead to increased blood pressure, stress, slowed wound healing and increased heartbeat.

These physical impacts make it not worth arguing with your partner on a frequent basis.