Mini IVF: How It Is Different To Standard IVF
What is IVF?
IVF (stands for In Vitro Fertilization) is a type of technology that assists reproduction. IVF is where a woman’s egg and a man’s sperm get together but rather in the body it joins in a laboratory dish. This technique helps women who want to be pregnant.
They are five steps of the IVF process: stimulation, egg retrieval, insemination, embryo culture, and embryo transfer. Compared to other assisted reproductive technology techniques, IVF is a positive option when other types fail. There are two types of IVF: mini IVF and standard IVF. There are a few differences between the two.
How Mini IVF is Different From Standard IVF?
According to Verywell Family, a mini IVF is the same process as the standard IVF, however, the medication intake is different. Medication helps stimulate women’s ovaries which will then support in producing eggs. While doing the mini IVF, you take fewer fertility drugs. Mini IVF is a good option if you have these problems:
Have a Fear of Needles (there will be fewer needle injections) You are diagnosed with PCOS or OHSS You are about to start cancer treatment You have low levels of ovarian reserves You don’t have enough for the standard IVF, which cost a lot of money
On the other hand, according to the American Pregnancy Association, a standard IVF does cost a lot more, but it is used in certain situations like these:
Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes A decrease in sperm count Women who have ovulation problems like disorders, premature ovarian failure, or uterine fibroids Women who have their tubes removed People who have genetic disorders
You do take more medication, however, with the standard IVF option. Why Is IVF Important?
The biggest purpose of IVF and other technology that supports reproduction is to help couples who are infertile, individuals who can’t produce a child. Causes of infertility can be a woman’s ovulation that has trouble or hormones that occur in both males and females. With this type of technology, couples who want children can have them even if they are infertile.
Generally when making your personal comparison, mini-IVF costs a bit less per cycle and also lowers your risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome as it is, is an over-reation of the ovaries to fetility medication. This reaction may cause fluid retention bloating and other symptoms. This may be why some may tend to lean toward mini-IVF.
The rates of success tend to be lower with mini-IVF though, and there is no real supporting evidence that there are higher quality eggs produced. Amidst all of the seatches as you seek background information on IVF. At least we can make a little better decision here.